
Matches Learn About Health and Kitchen Safety


Friends for Youth visited the Collective Roots garden at the East Palo Alto Charter School. Collective Roots is a nonprofit organization founded and based in East Palo Alto, CA that seeks to promote food justice by engaging youth and communities in garden-based learning and nutrition. 

Molly, our instructor, taught us the basics about nutrition and explained WHY we need to eat those fruits and vegetables. We talked about how different colored foods help different parts of our body. 

 Senior Friend, Amit, was kind enough to volunteer his body for tracing so that we could fill in the parts of the body that are impacted by which foods.

After we collected a few ingredients from the garden, we tasted the rainbow!
Molly showed us how to handle knives safely and we went to work chopping, juicing and mixing up a beautiful Bulgur Salad. Much to our surprise, this salad was as delicious as it was colorful! All the grown-ups were ready to tough it out and eat healthy that night, but everyone was actually very impressed with their skills and how yummy such fresh health foods can taste!

 Enjoying the fruits of our labor.

Thank you Collective Roots for hosting this amazing event! We learned so much about nutrition, safety, and we all expanded our palates that night.

More cute pics from yesterday…


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