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Kevin Durant is a Mentor!

Two weeks ago, NBA superstar of the Golden State Warriors Kevin Durant announced his partnership with My Brother's Keeper, Obama's mentoring initiative. In a letter that he posted to the White House website, Durant outlines the initiative's goal to provide mentors to at least 250,000 at-risk youth in the next two years. 

Durant understands the dire situation these youth live in, as he himself grew up in poverty in a single-parent household, raised mainly by his grandmother. His mother, as a hard-working woman with four children, had little time to spend with Durant. However, she made every effort possible to keep him off of the streets by putting him in after-school programs. It was in one of these programs that young Durant met his childhood coach and self-proclaimed mentor, to whom he attributes much of his professional success.

Watch Durant's White House PSA about how mentoring changes lives.

There are 16 million youth living in America that are growing up without a mentor. That is 1 out of 3 young people who don't have a trusted adult outside of immediate family who they can turn to for guidance and support. With just a little bit of your time, you can change the life of these youth. Learn more about how you can help make a difference on our website so you can join Obama and Kevin Durant in becoming a #MentorIRL.

Source: http://www.goldenstateofmind.com/2016/10/27/13439826/nba-2016-golden-state-warriors-kevin-durant-my-brothers-keeper-mentor-success-president-barack-obama


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