
Mentee Evaluation 2.0

In order to gather outcome results on the effectiveness of our program, Friends for Youth conducts both pre- and post-match interviews with our mentees. Our evaluation tool was created in 2000 by Dr. Cynthia Sipes, then of Public/Private Ventures, and measures areas of impact including academic engagement, risky behaviors, positive behaviors, goals, and self-concept. An outside evaluator/researcher provides analysis of our data.

In 2013 Friends for Youth began working with mentoring researcher Roger Jarjoura of American Institutes for Research to update our mentee evaluation tool. This was the first major revision to our youth interview questions since the evaluation project was created. Among the updates are new data metrics on the impact our Mentoring Services program on bullying, both in terms of victimization and aggressive behaviors. In addition, new questions measuring the trust, empathy, and closeness of the mentoring match were added. Following a pilot project testing the new mentee evaluation tool, Friends for Youth began full scale implementation in late 2014, with results of the first group of youth expected to be completed and analyzed next year. 

In the meanwhile, we have a few highlights to share from our 2015 mentee outcome evaluation data.


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