
Making the Most of Mentoring: The 14th Annual Mentoring Conference

Thank you to all those who participated in the 14th Annual Mentoring Conference! From the attendees to the presenters, the mentee panelists to the Oracle facilities staff, everyone came together to make this year's conference a dynamic, educational, nurturing event.

Special thanks goes to all keynote presenters, including Ulrich Schmid-Maybach and Nicole Tung. Mr. Ulrich Schmid-Maybach spoke about the Maybach Foundation's mentoring program, which matches up promising young people with experts in various professions. Nicole Tung, a Maybach Foundation Mentee, spoke from Turkey about her experiences there as a photojournalist.

Keynote presenters Michael Karcher and David DuBois presented on their book, the 2nd edition of the Handbook of Youth Mentoring. Detained in Chicago because of a storm, DuBois joined via internet.

"We are so honored to be among such esteemed mentoring professionals here today," Friends for Youth Executive Director Becky Cooper said in her opening remarks. "It is all of you that give us hope for our children's futures."


Mentor Tip

Today is Earth Day.  Read some of its history or figure out a way to celebrate Earth Day like walking or biking to your destination, planting a tree or pull some weeds (rather than using pesticides!), or picking up trash at your local beach or creek or in your neighborhood.  Have fun!


New SAFE Training Certification Project Announced in Child Abuse Prevention Month

Prevention is the best hope for reducing child abuse and neglect and improving the lives of children and families. Strengthening families and preventing child abuse requires a shared commitment of individuals and organizations in every community.

Friends for Youth has been the leader in the youth mentoring field in developing guidelines for programs to implement in order to select volunteer mentors who are safe. Based on research over the years to produce our resource SAFE (Screening Applicants for Effectiveness): Guidelines to Prevent Child Molestation in Mentoring and Youth-Serving Organizations  – and more recently for our chapter, Mentor Screening and Youth Safety, included in the new second edition of the Handbook of Youth Mentoring – we help organizations do better by offering recommendations about screening and monitoring tools and process and developing policies and procedures to ensure compliance. Last year, we launched our SAFE Campaign designed to raise more awareness of the issue and raise money for a second edition of our most popular resource, SAFE. You can still view the resources, statistics, tips, and interviews with influential people in the field about the importance of preventing child abuse in mentoring programs.


This year, we’re excited to announce the launch of our SAFE Training Certification project. As we look toward the future of youth mentoring programs and the continued importance of the highest standard in mentor screening and youth safety, Friends for Youth is now prepared to equip a new generation of Certified SAFE Trainers and reach even more mentoring professionals and programs located across the United States and around the world. Friends for Youth is offering the first training and certification for a select number of youth mentoring professionals who serve in training and support capacities from national, state, and regional organizations. These technical assistance providers will convene prior to Friends for Youth’s annual conference on April 17, 2013, for a day of advanced training by Friends for Youth expert staff and frequent collaborator Sgt. Steven McEwan of the San Jose Police Department. Participants will also engage in high-level discussions and collaboration, receiving all current training materials and copies of the resource.

Please contact Sarah Kremer, Mentoring Institute Program Director, at 650-559-0200 or sarah@friendsforyouth.org to inquire about being in the first (or next) cohort of Certified SAFE Trainers!

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