"Everyone who works with youth should be mentor-like." This quote from Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring Research Fellow Roger Jarjoura is starting off our week of interacting with both researchers and practitioners, definitely in the right direction. This year's sessions focus on the mentoring of youth involved with child welfare or juvenile justice systems. Other Research Fellows include Tim Cavell, Sarah Geenen, Michelle Munson, Julia Pryce, Heather Taussig, and SIYM Director Tom Keller. The 30 participants and eight National Partner representatives (including myself) will be joined for a special Friday session by Kym Ahrens, Jeffrey Butts, Leslie Leve, Laurie Powers, and Renee Spencer to complete a week of incredible research and discussion.
So far, I'm pleased to say I'm engaged and intrigued by the beginning talks about frameworks, challenges, and recommendations. My list of proposed changes and implementation items is already started!
Look for more reviews about the 2011 SIYM soon.
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