Saturday, at Half Moon Bay State Beach, Friends for Youth gathered with many of its Friendships for a celebration of the beginning of summer.
There were delicious tamales, succulent watermelons, sweet cupcakes, devourable s'more cookies, addicting chips, a lovely homemade mango salsa, and three kinds of potato salad. The sixteen friendships that came ate. A lot.
To accompany all the food there were games, all sorts. Many Junior and Senior friends tried their luck with kites. The wind was strong and favorable, so the kites flew long and high. There were also board games like Jenga and Chinese Checkers, as well as soccer balls, kick balls and frisbees. The highlight of the Extravaganza, however, was a scavenger hunt.
The Beach Extravaganza Scavenger Hunt, devised by Maribel Zarate and Jonathan Cowgill, consisted of four major stages. First, Junior Friends paired up with their Senior Friends for a three legged race. Next, the Junior Friends competed in a sack race. After they completed the sack race, the Senior Friend had to answer a math question. A correct answer bought the pair a plastic egg with scavenger hunting instructions inside.
To the victors the spoils. Friendships got their pick of prize depending on how they placed in the scavenger hunt. Every Junior Friend received a prize!
Although the day started out cold and blustery, the sun came out for a while during the early afternoon, prompting a few Junior Friends to try their hand at fishing for kelp.
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